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Who Is At-Fault in a T-Bone Accident?

T-bone accidents are unfortunately common. These collisions occur when one vehicle crashes into the side of another car. A t-bone accident can be devastating, often resulting in severe injuries for the drivers and passengers involved.

Because Texas is a fault car accident state, victims of t-bone collisions have the right to pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit against the responsible driver. However, determining fault in a t-bone accident can be complex.

Common Causes of T-Bone Accidents

Also known as side-impact collisions, t-bone accidents occur when one vehicle strikes another with its front end. Many factors can contribute to these accidents, including poor weather, faulty vehicle parts, and driver negligence.

Some of the most common causes of t-bone accidents include the following.

  • Driving over the speed limit
  • Driving while distracted
  • Failure to stop at a stop sign or red light
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

Determining Liability in a T-Bone Accident

To pursue an insurance claim or lawsuit following a t-bone accident, you will first need to identify who was responsible for the crash. In Texas, all drivers have a duty to drive safely and follow all traffic laws. Any driver who breaches this duty and causes an accident would be liable for the victims’ injuries.

In many cases, the driver who collided into the side of the other vehicle is at fault. For example, if a driver runs a red light and then collides into the side of another vehicle crossing the intersection, he or she would be liable for the crash.

However, this is not always the case. In some situations, the driver of the other vehicle is at fault for the collision. For example, say that the same driver runs a red light. An oncoming vehicle traveling through the intersection then collides with the side of the driver’s vehicle. Even though this driver sustained the impact of the t-bone accident, he or she is still at fault because he or she ran the red light.

What to Do After a T-Bone Accident

Proving a t-bone accident claim can be challenging, especially if you are unsure who caused the accident. In these situations, it is important to take steps after the accident to preserve evidence and seek support from a Texas car accident lawyer.

Immediately after the collision, take the following actions to protect yourself and your future claim.

  • Call 911 and report the accident to law enforcement. Collect the officer’s name and badge number so you can obtain the police report, which will detail important information about the accident that you can leverage in your future case.
  • Seek emergency medical attention, even if you feel uninjured. Your medical records will serve as very important evidence in your case. Additionally, failure to seek medical care could impact your ability to recover compensation.
  • If you can move around the accident site safely, start documenting evidence. Take as many photographs and videos as you can. Speak to any witnesses in the area and ask for their contact information.
  • Briefly exchange information with the other driver involved in the accident. Keep your conversation brief and do not make any statements about the accident or your injuries.

After you receive treatment for your injuries, contact a McAllen car accident lawyer to discuss your next steps. Your attorney will evaluate your case and take the first steps toward helping you identify the liable party.