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What To Do If You Are Injured In A Ride Share Incident

Ridesharing has revolutionized the way we travel, offering convenient, flexible rides for people around the world. However, like any form of transportation, it’s not immune to accidents. Being involved in a rideshare incident can be a jarring and confusing experience, but knowing what steps to take can make a major difference. To protect yourself and any future legal claims, take the following steps if you are injured in a rideshare accident.

Report the Accident to the Police

In the aftermath of a rideshare accident, your first step should be to report the accident to the police. This is crucial, regardless of the accident’s severity. A police report provides an official record of the event, detailing the circumstances and parties involved. It serves as a vital piece of documentation when dealing with insurance companies or if legal action is necessary.

When the police arrive, speak to the responding officer if you can. Give them a factual account of how the accident happened. Refrain from making any statements about your injuries and if you are unsure about anything, tell the officer “I don’t know.”

Seek Emergency Medical Attention

Your health should be your top priority after any Texas car accident, and you should always seek treatment as soon as possible. Even if you don’t feel injured immediately, symptoms of certain injuries can take time to manifest.

Seeking medical attention right after the incident ensures that you receive the necessary care, helping prevent potentially dangerous complications. This action also creates medical records that document your injuries. These records can be important evidence if you pursue a personal injury claim in Texas.

Document the Status of the Ride

In rideshare accident claims, the driver’s status in the app will impact your ability to recover compensation. This information is crucial as it determines the liability and the insurance coverage that applies. Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have different levels of coverage depending on whether a ride is in progress or if the driver is waiting for a fare.

If you were a passenger in the rideshare, take screenshots of the app to document whether your ride was in progress or if you were waiting for the rideshare vehicle when the incident occurred. If you were involved in a collision with a rideshare while you were driving in your own vehicle, ask the driver to verify their status.

Exchange Information and Collect Evidence

If you’re able to do so safely, gather as much evidence from the accident scene as possible. This includes taking photographs of the vehicles involved, the surrounding area, any visible injuries, and collecting names and contact information of witnesses. This information can provide a more comprehensive view of the accident, aiding in any future legal proceedings.

Additionally, make sure to exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver involved. However, be careful not to make any statements about the accident or your injuries; anything you say could impact your future claim.

Contact a Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Rideshare accidents can involve unique legal challenges due to the nature of the rideshare business model and the different layers of insurance involved. After seeking medical care, consult with a personal injury lawyer who specializes in rideshare accidents. They can guide you through the process, represent your interests, and help you recover fair compensation for your injuries and other damages.