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Four Common Car Accident Scenarios: Understanding Who Is At-Fault

Car accidents are, unfortunately, a daily occurrence in Texas. While the circumstances leading up to an accident may vary, certain scenarios are more likely to lead to a collision than others. 

Whether it’s navigating a left turn at a busy intersection or cautiously maneuvering a packed parking lot, accidents can happen even to the most careful driver. By understanding the reasons behind these collisions and who might be at fault, you can better protect yourself and your rights.

McAllen Car Accident Attorney

Scenario #1: Collisions at a Left Turn without a Turn Signal

Intersections, especially those without a designated left-turn light, are potential hotspots for accidents. When turning left at an intersection without a turn signal, drivers need to wait for a clear window and yield to oncoming vehicles. However, impatience or miscalculation can lead to serious collisions.

In most situations, the driver who was turning left is likely at fault due to his or her failure to yield. Evidence like traffic camera footage, medical records, and expert testimony could help establish liability in these cases. 

Scenario #2: Collisions in Parking Lots

Parking lots are common venues for accidents, some of which can be very severe. Many scenarios could lead to a parking lot collision, such as the following:

  • A driver backs up out of a parking spot and strikes another vehicle or pedestrian behind him or her. In this situation, the backing-up driver is usually at fault, as he or she failed to ensure the area was clear before moving.
  • Two vehicles try to enter the same parking space, leading to a collision. If one driver was in the parking space first, he or she might have the right of way. Since parking lots don’t always follow the same rules as roads, liability often depends on specific circumstances and witness accounts.
  • Vehicles collide at the end of parking aisles. In these scenarios, drivers should yield to the driver on the right or to the driver already in the intersection. Yet, since these aren’t always clearly marked, determining fault can be more intricate.

Scenario #3: Rear-End Car Accidents

Rear-end accidents can have serious repercussions. Many of these collisions happen when one vehicle hits the rear of another, often as a result of driver inattention. The trailing driver is usually deemed at fault, but there are exceptions to this rule.

For example, if the lead driver is acting aggressively and suddenly slams on his or her brakes without warning, the trailing driver could crash into the vehicle. In this situation, the lead driver would be at fault due to his or her aggressive actions.

Scenario #4: Collisions After a Driver Runs a Red Light

When a driver runs a red light, he or she can collide with the side of a vehicle traveling through the intersection. These accidents, often called T-bone collisions, can be particularly hazardous due to the vehicle’s side offering minimal protection.

The driver that violates the traffic signal is generally at fault. A driver might run a red light due to various factors, such as rushing through a yellow light, driving under the influence, or distractions from mobile devices.

Speak to a Texas Car Accident Lawyer 

If you or a loved one has been involved in any of these scenarios, seeking legal guidance is paramount. A McAllen car accident lawyer can ensure that your rights are protected and fight for the compensation that you deserve. Contact an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your next steps.