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Most Important Photos to Take After a Car Accident

After a car accident, it is important to seek medical care and preserve as much evidence as possible. Texas is a fault insurance state, meaning that negligent drivers are financially responsible for any collisions that they cause. Many pieces of evidence can help prove your right to financial recovery, including medical records, witness testimony, and photographs.

Photographic evidence is especially crucial, as these pictures capture the exact details of the accident after it happened. If you can move around the scene safely and without further injury, take the following photos after your car accident to strengthen your future case. If you think you  have a case make sure to contact a car accident attorney right away. 

The Entire Accident Scene

First, you should take multiple wide-angle photos of the entire accident scene. These photographs will provide a clear picture of the position of both vehicles, the surroundings, and the road and weather conditions at the time of the collision. You can use these photos to provide an overview of the accident before taking more detailed pictures.

Your Property Damage

You should take pictures of any property damage that you sustained in the accident, especially damage to your vehicle. Take multiple pictures of your vehicle damage from a variety of angles and distances. If any possessions inside of the vehicle were broken, take photos of them as well. 

Your Visible Injuries

If you have suffered any visible injuries, like cuts, bruises, and scrapes, you should take photographs of them. Make sure to take several pictures from different angles and distances. When used in combination with your medical records, photos of your injuries can help establish your right to financial compensation.

The Other Driver’s Vehicle

In addition to photographing your own vehicle, you should take pictures of any other vehicles that were involved in the collision. Make sure to capture the damage that each vehicle suffered, as well as wide-angle shots that capture the placement of the cars on the road. Photograph any damage inside of the vehicle as well, including broken windows or deployed airbags.

Traffic Signs and Signals

If there are any traffic lights, signals, or signs in the area, take as many pictures of them as possible. Make sure to capture photographs that show the relation of these signs and signals to the accident, as well as close-up shots. These details can help establish what rules each vehicle was expected to follow at the time of the accident.

Skid Marks, Broken Glass, and Other Debris

You should take detailed photos of any skid marks, broken glass, and debris on the road following the accident. Skid marks are especially important pieces of evidence in a car accident claim; these details can help show whether the driver tried to slam on his or her brakes before the collision. They can also help indicate the direction that each vehicle was traveling before and after braking. This evidence can go a long way in establishing liability.

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Contact a Car Accident Attorney about Your Case

Being involved in a car accident can be a scary experience, and you should only take photographs if it is safe for you to do so. The most important steps are to seek emergency medical care for any injuries and contact a car accident lawyer about your future claim.

A Texas car accident attorney can review all pieces of evidence and craft a compelling case for your right to compensation. As soon as possible after your accident, schedule a free legal consultation to learn more about your options.